Roots of Dungeon Synth, feat. Kadotus 609
The ASCEND 2LP compilation on NTS radio, explores the roots of dungeon synth, features early 1992 demos by Niko Skorpio as Kadotus 609.
outside looking further out
The ASCEND 2LP compilation on NTS radio, explores the roots of dungeon synth, features early 1992 demos by Niko Skorpio as Kadotus 609.
I was asked to contribute something to this benefit compilation album Black Metal Rainbows. Happily accepted the invite, and delivered an all new track, constructed from material recorded way back in 1993…
What lies behind The Unfolding? This text elaborates on bilateral symmetry, rorschach images, drone music and ancient deities as the base for Niko Skorpio’s audiovisual installation piece.
One morning near Kensington Market, Toronto, May 2014. Thanks to a persisting jetlag I wake up early again, around 6am. My hosts are obviously sound asleep. I grab my camera and notebook and go out for a long walk. The neighborhood is quiet, only birds seem to be awake. The rising sun paints the cityscape with a sweet mix of pink and orange. A raccoon crosses the street, obviously knowing they’re the one who…
VAIHE 2 – Muutostiloja käsittelee tiloja muutoksessa, muutosta tiloissa, muutoksen mahdollistamia tiloja ja tiloja jotka saavat aikaan muutoksia – sekä kirjaimellisesti että kuvaannollisesti ymmärrettynä. Keskeisenä tematiikkana ja tarkastelun aiheena on muutostilat osana taiteilijan työprosessia…
Earlier this year, I was invited by Rogério Nuno Costa to collaborate on his experimental performance project Missed-en-Abîme. Having mutual history in Aalto University and all that, I was happy to work with Rogério again. After some months of intense research and hard work, the results are about to be revealed. The premiere is set for 12 September, at Serralves Contemporary Art Museum in Porto, Portugal. My contribution is the sound art for the performance.
Tomorrow at ARS108, Tehdas 108, Nokia, I’ll present a live variant of The Unfolding! Uploaded some tiny snippets from last night’s test run to Instagram.
For a long time I focused mainly on working with moving image. A couple of years ago I noticed a need to change…
Mitä yhteistä on länsiafrikkalaisperäisellä heimouskonnolla ja ukrainalaissyntyisellä amerikkalaisella avantgarde-elokuvataiteilijalla? Kun taannoin kiinnostuin Maya Derenin elokuvista, en vielä tiennyt mitään hänen kokemuksistaan Haitilla. Olin etupäässä kiinnostunut Derenin pioneeriasemasta amerikkalaisen taide-elokuvan kentällä, sekä hänen valtavasta vaikutuksestaan esimerkiksi David Lynchin elokuviin.
Originally devised by Golden Dawn, the LBRP is a popular ritual with many variations. To make the Great Work manifest among mundane activities, here’s something inspired by LBRP and its variations, in use bi-yearly.