Hammer of Damnation book

Hammer of Damnation - hardcover book

Another essential PARAFERAL Archive project is about to bear fruit! Hammer of Damnation, the influential underground music zine edited by Niko Skorpio in the early 1990s is becoming a book. Realized in cooperation with the German record label / publisher Darkness Shall Rise Productions, the hardcover book is now available for preorder at the DSR shop…

N’GAI+COTD Tapes 1993–1995 – early noise recordings

Niko Skorpio presents N'GAI+COTD Tapes 1993–1995

Unreleased, unfinished recordings from 1993–1995 rediscovered, processed, assembled and wrapped up to a new release! Originally made under rather obscure project names COLD ONCE TURNING DUST and PROJECT OF EVIL MINDS N’GAI, they represent some of Niko Skorpio & friends’ earliest excursions into noise music…


Becoming PARAFERAL – Toronto 2014 – Niko Skorpio

One morning near Kensington Market, Toronto, May 2014. Thanks to a persisting jetlag I wake up early again, around 6am. My hosts are obviously sound asleep. I grab my camera and notebook and go out for a long walk. The neighborhood is quiet, only birds seem to be awake. The rising sun paints the cityscape with a sweet mix of pink and orange. A raccoon crosses the street, obviously knowing they’re the one who…

Remembering Heikki Huhtanen aka Henry Zalkin

It’s a certain sign of aging when you find yourself repeatedly thinking about people and events from 20, 25 or even 30 years ago. And although 40+ years is no achievement by current standards, some people don’t get even that. The one person I’m thinking about in this case is Heikki Huhtanen, also known as … Read more

The Spiral Nature of Time

Time has a spiral nature. Events follow one another, but not in strict linear fashion. Transverse threads pierce through the fabric and create connections, like shortcuts.    Rewind back to May 1997. I was wrapping up my graphic design studies, about to move back to Turku, and most of all determined to focus on music … Read more