Received this tape boxset today, from Germany, released by a tape label called Darkness Shall Rise. The tape boxset contains all survived recordings by my first ‘serious’ band, Thergothon, from 1991-1992. Recording-wise, there’s no surprises to those who’ve followed the vinyl reissues of the recent years, except for the fact they’ve been remastered for the tape format and sound as good they can on this magnetic media.

Of more interest to completists is the included 80-page booklet featuring lots of photos and press clips from my archive – old interviews published in zines at the time and such.
And the most meaningful to me personally is the lengthy piece of text I wrote for the box set, collecting all my memories related to Thergothon from the period of 1990–1993. It includes quite a bit of trivia previously unsaid as well as some awkward things I’d rather have forgotten… but it’s all there for the sake completion. Everything I can say about the subject matter is in that tape boxset. So in the future if someone still has some questions I’ll just refer to this text. Mission accomplished on that front!

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