Emergence in Reverse

A little exercise in thought, following from the previous post.

Brexit will actually have a snowball effect, in which countries leaving the EU would only be the first step. There are already signs of it in Britain, with speculations of Scotland voting for independence. In Finland’s case it would go own, beginning with Lapland claiming independence. Next, provinces would leave Finland and claim for independence.

On and on, until we reach the individual human being, who claims independence from any groups or entities supposedly “governing” her. Individuality. There. Not a bad ending for such a horrific flick.

In the sequel, the individual gets what is due. We will see individual organs gaining independence from the body. Inside organs, cells would claim independence, then molecules, atoms, electrons, on and on until the quantum foam which, according to our current beliefs, forms the indivisible base layer in the fabric of the universe.

Down there… would we finally realise that all separation is essentially illusion and deep within us we are all one?

A universe-size monster in perpetual autoerotocannibalist binge! Face it, that’s what we are deep down and on the surface. Let’s drink to that.

And tomorrow morning, it’s time to wake up and clean up our act.

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