It is time to begin revealing things I’ve been preparing some time. PARAFERAL is my studio and a new creative outlet for visual, sonic and other productions. A great deal of the work remains under the surface, but some things will soon begin to pop up for public consumption. There’s also a page on FB. … Read more

A Glimpse of Sleep

Setting up prints - Niko Skorpio

The other day I set up some photographic prints and a video for an exhibition in Humppila. The photos present a brief early selection from something I’m currently working on, now known as Centennial Sleep (Satavuotinen uni). The moving image piece is called From Beyond the Wall of Sleep (Unen seinämän takaa), a video installation … Read more

Emergence in Reverse

A little exercise in thought, following from the previous post. Brexit will actually have a snowball effect, in which countries leaving the EU would only be the first step. There are already signs of it in Britain, with speculations of Scotland voting for independence. In Finland’s case it would go own, beginning with Lapland claiming … Read more

Truth’s Protective Layers

This essay examines a speech given by Neil Armstrong at the Apollo 11 25th Anniversary in 1994. Certain things he said have caused a lot of speculation in the ufo conspiracy theory circles. I came across this speech while doing some research on the conspiracy theory culture. (For ViCCA, 29 April 2016) The Speech Video … Read more

The Art of Pilfering

A brief history of sampling in music and sound art, with emphasis on the author’s personal interests and influences on his own work in the field. (For ViCCA, 10 Dec 2015) In Brief Sampling, in context of sound and music, is the act of taking a part of a previously recorded sound and reusing it … Read more

Enter silence

Niko Skorpio working on new things

It’s Good Friday. I’m in my home studio, tidying up the desks, organising piles of paper, sorting out possibly useful material from mere trash. Making room to work on new things. Banishing dust demons. In Finnish, Good Friday is called “Long Friday” (Pitkäperjantai), and I wouldn’t mind this Friday lasting for a week or two. … Read more