No Niin is a new online art magazine founded and edited by two wonderful people and artists, Elham Rahmati and Vidha Saumya. The first issue is now online, featuring plenty of essays, art and whatnot, including footage of a puppet theatre play called The Finding of Hän.
The Finding of Hän is an original puppet theater production that explores the inherent duality of human nature and imagines the lifespan of an ancient object. Themes and characters are drawn from coastal cultures and stories from around the world.
The Finding of Hän was a collaborative project co-written and performed by Melanie Popp, Parsa Kamehkhosh, Paola de Ramos, M. Hasnan Habib and myself back in 2016 during our MA studies at Aalto University. The play was a lot of fun to write and perform, so it was nice to find out it was documented on video, not only to relive the fun moments from the audience’s point of view but also because, somehow, I had no documentation of it apart from a couple of making of pictures.
So, hop over to No Niin magazine for the video, and a lot other content by & about the contemporary art scene in Finland!
Making of: